Move to AWS

Sat 13 March 2021

I'm helping out Nick with learning to do system admin tasks. To that end, I've done the things I set out for him to do:

  1. Set up a system using AWS as a "bare" Centos 8 box aws
  2. Use ansible to configure the web service ansible
  3. Use github to store a private repo holding a blog github
  4. Use github deploy tokens to pull the latest blog and store it on the server
  5. Set up letsencrypt for the SSL certificate
  6. Monitor the web logs

As I go through all of this I'll add new blog posts with information about how all this works and tips.

Category: Linux Tagged: bash irc linux scripting shell ansible aws


Local DNS cache and NetworkManager

Mon 11 October 2010

If you've used a debian-based distribution and delved into the network setup, you've probably seen something called 'resolvconf'. This is a tool that manages the local dnsmasq cache and /etc/resolv.conf file so that it stays sane when NetworkManager and other tools change the network configuration. NetworkManager handles /etc …

Category: Linux Tagged: dns linux network networkmanager


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Bash History Fun!

Mon 11 October 2010

If you're one to have lots of terminals open at once, and ALSO have a mind like a steel sieve, it's nice to have more information from the bash history command and \~/.bash_history file. Here are several ways to increase their power:

  1. Timestamps

    By setting a bash environment variable, you …

Category: shell Tagged: bash history scripting shell


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